Dog Doctors Bladder & Urinary Health Chews x 60 - Copdock Mill

Dog Doctors Bladder & Urinary Health Chews x 60


Try our dog incontinence support to improve your dog's bladder health and bladder control to promote normal urination habits in older dogs.

Help to maintain normal muscle tone of the bladder and urinary sphincter muscles, reducing incontinence in your older dog. As dog’s age, many suffer from incontinence, which is a common problem. Our blend of vet formulated natural ingredients helps reduce these unwanted toilet trips inside the house.


  • Veterinarian Formulated to maintain good bladder & urinary tract health
  • 100% natural research led ingredients reduce incontinence by substituting hormone deficiency
  • Pumpkin seeds are full of essential fatty acids and antioxidants to support a healthy urinary tract
  • Wild yam root helps with hormone or muscle-related urinary incontinence
  • Marshmallow root acts as a diuretic, which helps the body to flush out excess fluid, cleansing the kidneys and the bladder
  • Cranberry contain high levels of proanthocyanidins (PACs), which are chemical compounds that help prevent urinary tract infections
  • Bee pollen is alkaline to balance the overall pH in the body promoting a healthy urinary tract


Active ingredients:

Pumpkin Seed, Rehmannia, Wild Yam Root, Bee Pollen, Oregon Grape Root, Marshmallow Root, Cranberry Extract, Calcium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Angelica Sinensis.

Inactive ingredients:

Brewers Dried Yeast, Canola Oil, Dried Potato Product, Flaxseed, Glycerin, Maltodextrin (Tapioca Source), Natural Flavouring, Rosemary Extract, Sorbic Acid, Sunflower Lecithin, Sunflower Oil, Tapioca Starch, Water.

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkins pack a mighty punch when it comes to nutrition and the seeds themselves contain an abundance of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants which are essential for encouraging urinary health and helping to prevent urinary tract infections.


This plant is a beautiful purple flowered perennial herb, long used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for kidney and adrenal health. It is believed to increase the production of the hormone erythropoietin which stimulates the red blood cells. Known to increase blood flow, it helps to reduce the abnormally high renal values associated with kidney disease.

Wild Yam Root

This perennial herb grows in damp woodlands but thrives in sunny conditions. It can be hugely beneficial for older female dogs with hormone or muscle related urinary incontinence. Wild yam root has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties which can help relax the tension on the bladder muscles and prevent unwanted spasms that contribute to incontinence.

Bee Pollen

No, it’s not just for bees. This nutrient packed powerhouse is full of minerals, vitamins, proteins and fats. Bee pollen is collected by the worker bees and mixed with nectar and bee saliva which is attached to the back of the legs and used to feed the colony. The pollen is alkaline which helps to balance the overall pH in the body, promoting a healthy urinary tract. It also contains trans-cinnamic acid which is a natural antibiotic.

Oregon Grape Root

Despite its name this plant doesn’t produce grapes, so it is perfectly safe for dogs. It’s the root that contains a number of active compounds which can combat bacterial and fungal infections. It’s used for its strong alkaloid, antiseptic and medicinal properties. One compound, berberine, has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which are very effective at combating urinary diseases.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root soothes irritation and inflammation in the urinary tract and helps to protect the lining from bacteria. It increases the acidity of urine helping to stop bacterial growth, and its diuretic effects help to flush out excess fluids.

Cranberry Extract

It is well known that when humans contract a urinary tract infection cranberry is often recommended. But can the same be applied to your pooch. Yes, it can. That’s why the Dog Doctors Urinary and Bladder Health Soft chews contain extract of cranberry. It will assist in lowering pH levels of the urine which will help to prevent the growth of bacteria in the bladder.

Calcium Ascorbate (Vitamin C)

Although dogs make their own vitamin C, when they are sick or stressed, they often need a boost. That is why Calcium Ascorbate is one of the ingredients. It helps increase the activity of white blood cells which fight infection and stimulates higher levels of antibodies.

Angelica Sinensis

Angelica Sinensis has many uses in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a perennial herb which had been used for kidney and urinary health by supporting the production of erythropoietin to help increase renal blood flow.

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